Market research
If you only want to ask your audience a few questions, there is no point in doing separate research. Take part in the Omnibus. Omnibus is a periodic marketing research. The company is conducting it in the interests of several customers. The questionnaire includes separate questions or blocks of questions from different companies.
When you could part in the Omnibus
When cost matters. The cost depends on the number of questions included in the questionnaire. An omnibus is 4-5 times cheaper than an independent study using a similar method. Budget cuts do not affect data quality and reliability.
When it is important to make decision quickly. If you want to receive information for marketing planning. For example, find out the share of consumers of a product in a city. Or the approximate market size. The research schedule is approved in advance. The customer always knows when the research starts and when he receives the analytical report. 2 weeks pass from the launch of the project to the receipt of the report.
When consistency is important. For example, you want to monitor consumer behavior, regularly measure brand awareness. The Omnibus is held monthly, which makes it possible to watch the trends in the market.
About Omnibus
Geographic coverage: the entire territory of Ukraine. 24 regions, Kiev and at least 120 settlements, excluding the ARC and ATO zones. The sample size remains unchanged.
Sample: 1000 people aged 16 to 59 years.
Survey method: online interview. The sample represents the population of Ukraine by region, type of settlement, gender and age.
Types of questions: open, closed. Including multimedia content, demonstration of images, videos, slideshows, etc.
Implementation: the research is carried out by the company’s specialists who control the quality of the data at all stages.
Frequency: once a month. 12 times a year.
To take part in the Omnibus, please contact us. We will agree on the scope of work, help to articulate the question and program the questionnaire.
If you have any questions about the methodology and implementation of projects using the Omnibus, please contact us by phone +38(044)587-60-78 or